寻线器 型号;HAD-EM415
1. Judge continuity of the cables or wires. 2. Track the cables or wires, and diagnose the break point.3. Receive the tone signal on the cables or wires(telephones line)4.lndentify the state in the working telephones line(clear, ring, busy)5. Send a single solid tone or a dual alternating tone to the object cables or wires. 北京j9老哥俱乐部仪器仪表有限公司联系人:经理手机:15811023934/18911282105电话:010-51655247/ 51760337传真:010-51717696旺旺: hadgs、had200911 邮箱:hadgs6688@163.com
QQ: 2272048995、1733477181、1832389236、1530300049、1739421560地址:北京市海淀区阜成路42号院6C-211